As the name implies, abnormal uterine bleeding is a situation when the monthly periods start depicting signs of a heavy flow of blood. In simple words, extremely prolonged periods with a noticeably high blood flow together form a condition called abnormal uterine bleeding. Whenever noticing a condition like this, the …
Read More »Urinary Incontinence: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention
Urinary incontinence is referred to as a situation when an individual has no control over holding urine, and it gets leaked at any moment. Even if a person has no desire to urinate, urine gets leaked out by itself. This happens due to the weakening of the urinary sphincter. This …
Read More »How to Improve the Success Rate of IVF?
When a couple decides to use IVF to have a child, data is crucial because couples constantly consider the treatment’s high success rate. This means that, regardless of the institution they select, they constantly consider the success rate it provides to the couples. IVF is undoubtedly the ideal method for …
Read More »What Can Prevent A Woman From Conceiving?
Being pregnant can be an easy task, along with being a challenging one for different couples. The reasons behind making it challenging for a woman to conceive can be many. There can possibly be hundreds of things that need to be taken care of to make sure nothing hinders getting …
Read More »Understanding SLAP Tear And Ways To Prevent It
A human faces hundreds of injuries from the period between his infantry and being an adult, measuring from minor and major. Some injuries can easily be tackled, while some injuries known to be major ones can be challenging to cope with. This topic includes a discussion of one of the …
Read More »7 Things You Should Always Discuss with Your Gynecologist
Most women, especially in India, feel uncomfortable discussing their reproductive health with their gynecologist. However, they are also unsure what is considered normal and what to discuss with the top gynecologist in Chandigarh. But as a woman, if you want your reproductive health to remain fine, then you must share …
Read More »Avail Orthopedic Care for Sports Injury With Best Ortho in Chandigarh
If you love to play sports, it comes with its own set of risks that means injuries are bound to happen, and these injuries are called sports injuries. There are a number of sports injuries that occur due to several reasons like poor biomechanics, not warming up, lack of rest …
Read More »Learn More About Robotic Surgery for Prostate Cancer
You may be familiar with prostate cancer—most of the time. Because prostate cancer is often slow-growing and may be treated non-surgically by a urologist in Ludhiana, men seldom choose to have their prostates removed. However, we strongly advise you to have prostate surgery in Ludhiana if the cancer has spread …
Read More »Spine Specialist Doctor in Chandigarh and Zirakpur
Because it is widely thought that surgery is incredibly unpleasant, the majority of people wait until the worst has occurred before undergoing surgery. However, if you concentrate on busting misconceptions, you’ll discover that technology has advanced in ways that make operations as comfortable and minimally intrusive as possible.The present state …
A medical procedure called laparoscopy examines the abdominal cavity and inspects the organs. The treatment is performed with a laparoscope through a tiny abdominal or pelvic incision. Why is a laparoscopy necessary? Ovarian cysts are the term for the fluid-filled sacs seen in the ovaries. Ovarian cysts are ovarian follicles …
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